inspirationi.magazine delle arte manuali. vol 4

das e-magazin „IspirAzionI, magazine delle arti manuali“. 
herausgegeben von silvia und eliza.

im neuen issue vier: ein beitrag ueber rosa p. (seite 44/45).

„She inspires us because her blog is particular. Simple but never banal, in a typical neat nordic style.
Full of wonderful projects and pictures that enhance their beauty. We suggest you to visit the blog and enjoy her posts about crochet, cooking and sewing. Her photos are absolutely gorgeous, her projects unique. Like these fall wooly brooches.“
(uebersetzung der autorinnen aus dem italienischen ins englische)

mille grazie, silvia eeliza. vi ringrazio per le vostre parole.
tanti saluti da rosa.